
This manifesto encapsulates the core of cyber resilience and aims to ease the professional life of cyber resilience practitioners who -like us- face challenges explaining what cyber resilience is about. 
Our goal in crafting the Cyber Resilience Manifesto is to disseminate knowledge on cyber resilience that informs, educates, and motivates practitioners to integrate cyber resilience, thereby enhancing organizational survivability against cyber threats.
We drafted this manifesto to aid in modernizing and potentially standardizing (or at least establishing consistency for) cyber resilience practices. After evaluating various frameworks, we decided that focusing on strategic capabilities offers the most direct route to tangible organizational benefits.

Although our group collectively possesses extensive experience in cyber resilience, we do not claim to have all the answers. We invite reviews and insights from others in the cyber resilience field. Feedback can be shared via email at team@resilientdefense.com, and we will assess the contributions to refine and expand the manifesto.

Thanks to <resilient>defense for producing the Cyber Resilience Manifesto.   
